no it is not good for you
Here is a good 1200 calorie diet plan designed by a woman for women. For a more comprehensive look at this plan :
Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.
A low calorie diet would be a diet that consists of 900 calories or less per day in general, however you should really consult a physician to determine what the desirable calories allowance is for you to realize the results that you want.
As with any diet make sure to talk with your doctor first, mainly to make sure your body will handle a diet. A good place would be to go to You be able to talk with others on a low calorie diet.
Zero calorie foods are good for someone who is on a diet and are counting calories. It really depends on the diet you are on. While zero calorie foods might be low in calories some are high in carbs. If you are on a low carb diet, such as South Beach, this might effect your diet and do the opposite.
There is a diet called the negative calorie. Individuals can get more information on the negative calorie diet at and �ۼ Diet Reviews.
One of the best and highly recommended diets in the world is 1500 Calories Heart Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan which is a very good choice for low calorie meals.
Excersizing and a healthy diet. (Fruits and Vegitables are good) About a 1500 calorie diet.
Very low calorie diet are fine if you are going to be under medical supervision. Otherwise it would not be a very good idea. You should go and contact your doctor and ask them if it is okay for you to start the diet.