Someone would go on a 1500 calorie diet in order to lose weight. A normal diet is 2000 calories so 1500 would be a good amount of you were trying to cut calories.
What are the recommended daily allowances based on a 1500 calorie diet
Well, I would recommend finding additional information about the 1500 calorie diet from Eating Well because they offer a variety of services and tips. They also offer great support.
A healthy caloric intake can range anywhere from 1000 to 2000 calories per day for the typical person. Since 1500 is in the middle it would be considered a healthy diet.
if you want to do is again. do you do before the 1500 calorie or after
The 1500-Calorie-a-Day Cookbook by Nancy Hughes is available on Amazon at You can also find it at local bookstores.
Excersizing and a healthy diet. (Fruits and Vegitables are good) About a 1500 calorie diet.
Anyone can go on a 1200 calorie diet. There is no meal plan to follow, but sticking to fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, and lean proteins make it an easy diet to keep up with.
I know for a fact there is a book called The 1500-Calorie-a-Day Cookbook for sale at Most bookstores and even Libraries have books like this as well.
Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.
Changing Shape is a very helpful website that gives different caloric diets, including 1300 and 1500 calorie diets. The site gives examples at no cost.
That is a very small weight for that age, considering that your bones are still developing and as a female you'll want to be cognizant of osteoporosis.I am 5'4 and 125lbs, and a 1500-2000 calorie/day diet maintains my weight with no activity. I would suggest a 1200-1500 calorie diet for you but to be sure I would check either the livestrong or sparkpeople websites.