Here is a good 1200 calorie diet plan designed by a woman for women. For a more comprehensive look at this plan :
This type of plan is all about reading books, listening to audio and self discipline. It is a good plan for both men and women. This plan will not leave you with harmful side effects.
Usually diet plans for men and women don't really differ. A lot of the same foods are included in both. You can get a good diet plan by going to this website.
There are many diet plans created specifically for women. Most prepared meal services, such as Nutrisystem, make different meal plans for men versus women. Many women's magazines have diet plans specifically for women, too. One example is Good Housekeeping:
A good weight loss diet plan for women should be small amounts of food that has a lot of fiber, drink a lot of water to flush away and detoxify toxins in your body. Most importantly, to exercise 30 minutes a day such as cardiac or calisthenics.
Usually diet plans for men and women consist of the same foods, the only thing that may be different is the exercises you would do.���womens-diets.html
Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.
Some good nutritional Diet Plans are the Anti-Aging diet Plan, the Eat-And-Lose-Weight Meal PLan, the Mediterranean Meal PLan, and the Soup Diet (Basic Recipes)
Since men and women have different dietary needs, is helpful for women to understand what a healthy diet for them looks like.
There are multiple websites that can help you find a diet for women. Some of these websites are:,, and All three sites offer great diet ideas for women.
Well it is not a gender thing.Just do not eat too much and you will be fine.This works for both men and woman.Just do not keep eating over and over again.
There are tons of diet plans available and yes, there are low calorie diet plans for women also. Some can be found at: or
No, there's no diet plan that is more recommended than another for young women. There's a few websites that give you sample menus and plans. Check out SlimFast, Good House Keeping and Real Beauty.