No, there's no diet plan that is more recommended than another for young women. There's a few websites that give you sample menus and plans. Check out SlimFast, Good House Keeping and Real Beauty.
There are tons of diet plans available and yes, there are low calorie diet plans for women also. Some can be found at: or
Usually diet plans for men and women don't really differ. A lot of the same foods are included in both. You can get a good diet plan by going to this website.
A great website for fun diets is There are tons of meal plans for both men and women. Check it out for some great diet food. Free diet plans means that you do not have to pay money for the diet.
There are many diet plans created specifically for women. Most prepared meal services, such as Nutrisystem, make different meal plans for men versus women. Many women's magazines have diet plans specifically for women, too. One example is Good Housekeeping:
A great website for fun diets is There are tons of meal plans for both men and women. Check it out for some great diet food.
Choosing between the many different diet plans that are available to women can be a difficult task. Most plans incorporate a combination of both low fat foods and high energy foods to help women lose weight and boost their metabolism. Choosing the best diet plan starts with understanding the strong and weak points of a woman's dietary concerns and then incorporating key points into the diet plan to reduce overeating or fatty foods and increase the consumption of foods that will aid in increased metabolism and weight loss.
I believe that the best sources for reliable diet plans is which is Dr. Oz's website. Also Prevention magazine and Women's Health magazine has many diet tips and plans that are beneficial.
Diet plans for men and women usually differ based on the number of calories consumed daily. The most effective diet for men would be one that has a healthy balance of foods.
Nutrisystem offers a variety of different diet plans. There are two different plans for men and women. There are other diet plans for older individuals and vegetarians. An additional diet plan offers specially selected frozen food for everyone.
You can find information on diet plans directed specifically towards women at a number of places. Some of these include the Women's Health magazine, both on their website and in their magazine. There is also the TescoDiets website which features a list of the 15 top rated diet plans for women.
The website has infromation on diet plans for both women and men. Jillian Michaels is a certified personal trainer, so the advice is legitimate.