Stopping Triphasil with 5 pills left may disrupt your cycle and cause irregular bleeding. It's best to finish the pack to maintain regularity. If you choose to stop with 5 pills left, you may experience withdrawal bleeding 2-3 days after stopping. You can start the new pack on a Sunday after your period starts.
Take your first pill the Sunday after you get your period, even if you are still bleeding on that Sunday. You don't necessarily have be a Sunday starter, I just find it easier.
Usually pills are started on the first SUNDAY after your period.
Check the package for specific information, but generally the pill should be started on the first Sunday after you START your period.
Hi, As this is your first month on birth control, there's no real way of telling if you will get your period when your on the sugar pills. You may do but if you don't then it will arrive next month.
That depends on the pill. If you are taking a Sunday start pill you should start taking the pills the Sunday after your period starts. There should be an information sheet with your pills that will tell you when to start. Otherwise, you might try contacting the pharmacists to make sure you're using them correctly.
You are supposed to start your pills the Sunday after ur period ends. But starting a week after ur period ends isn't bad either but ur period will be a little off track
(first time takin bc pills)what if your period stats on the Friday and it is your first time,shoud you wait for the Sunday to start?
There should be instructions in your pill packet. Or your doctor should have told you when they prescribed them to you.You should start your pack the first Sunday after you start your period even if your period is not over yet. Do not skip any pills and start a new pack as soon as you finish your 7 inactive pills at the end of your pack.
You have to wait to take it til the Sunday after you start your period so that it can properly regulate your period. This way you are sure to have your period every 28 days.AnswerYou don't, you can start the pill any day of the week. If your period starts on a Monday, start taking the pill then. The only reason for starting on a Sunday is that the packet starts on a Sunday so you start at the beginning of a packet and work through to the end. Many women find this helps them remember and they don't have to go back to the beginning of the packet to take the last few pills. However if you find it easy to remember start at the beginning of your period, then you are protected from pregnancy immediately, just make sure you take all the pills in the packet.
If you have finished with the pills and the faux pills, had your period, then you start the new set of pills after the last day of your period.
You start your new pack of pills when you finish your old pack. Lets say you had you last pill on a Wednesday, you then start your new pill on Thursday. If its your first pack you have ever taken then you either start your first pill on the day you start your period or on the Sunday during your period. At first you period will not go with the pill correctly; it my take a month or two for your period to adjust.
This is the the way most women start using The Pill. You need to use a back up method until you have taken 7 pills in 7 days the first month you start taking the pill. Beginning with your next packet of pills you will not need to use back up, no matter what day you start your period, start the pills on Sunday. Remember if you or your partner have more than one sex partner, BCP will not prevent STD.