It can, but other things such as stress or a change in diet can affect your cycle. The only way to know for sure is to contact your doctor.
A late period dosent always mean you are pregnant, You could just have a late peroid. But you might want to check.
Yes. tht does mean your pregnant take a test!
If you are sexually active then you could be pregnant but if not then you could just having a late or irregular period.
it means your pregnant
Your pregnant or someting is very wrong
It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.
Pregnant. Pregnant.
you are weird and you got your period late but it doesn't mean anything except u r pregnant no iam kidding you are just slow or maybe you are pregnant..
Defication has no direct meaning that you are or are not pregnant. If you are continuing to have your period that you are not pregnant, but if you are late you may wish to consult a doctor.
you posibly could be pregnant or about to get your period. it could also mean you are having a misscarrige.
Depending on how "late" you are...... It may simply mean that your period is late. The body doesn't run like the clock on your wall. If your following period does not start when it should have....... Go see your doctor to get checked out.
Yes.A Woman can become pregnant at any time.That being said,A late period is often one of the first signs of pregnancy, but it doesn't mean that you are pregnant.If you think you may be pregnant, contact your Doctor. They will be able to accurately determine if you are pregnant or not.