If you are on your period there is generally no reason for a pregnancy test as this indicates that you are NOT pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test if you MISS a period.
A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.
When you miss a period , you should take a pregnancy test at once, because you could very well be pregnant.
by 3 weeks after the last time you had sex a test will be acurate.
You would know if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after intercourse and doesn't require you to know when your period should have started.
If taken properly you should have accurate results by this time.
When your period Is over take the test.
take a pregnancy test.
Yes, if you missed your period, you should definitely be able to get a result from a pregnancy test ten days after.
have not had period in 2 month and l taken 4 pregnancy test all negative? am so worry .
Your period shouldn't affect the test! There is really no point in doing a pregnancy test during a period. Usually, if you are having a period you are not pregnant. A pregnancy test senses the BHCG hormone so your period should not affect it.
Yes, take a test