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A urine home pregnancy test or a urine test at the doctor or a blood test at the doctor.

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Q: What is a method to check whether you are pregnant or not?
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How do you check whether you are pregnant?

Easiest way is get a home test at the drug store but the best way is see your doctor

What homemade method can you do to get pregnant?

Generally you get pregnant from sex.

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What contraception method is avaiable for one month pregnancy?

You don't need a contaeception method while you are pregnant because you will not be able to get pregnant

Can you get pregnant while am sterilized by ivf?

In Vitro Fertilisation is a method of getting pregnant.

Will there be any health problems for the baby if you get pregnant by withdrawal method?

no there shouldn't be any health concerns many women get pregnant using this method

Can you get pregnant if your blood is a positive and his is?

Blood type is irrelevant to whether or not you can get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant nine days after the period?

You can get pregnant at anytime, whether you are on your period or not

What is laspeyer's formula check whether it satisfy time reversal test?

A time reversal test will determine if a method will work forward and backwards. The Laspeyres formula check is, P01 X P10 =1.

If a person has sex 5 times in one night using pull out method what are the chances of getting pregnant?

The chances are that you will get pregnant as the withdrawal method is highly unreliable.

What is the best method for not to get pregnant?

There is only one method that is 100% sure to not get pregnant. That is, do not have sex. Otherwise, use a condom and maybe the pill. Both are highly effective.