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When you miss a period , you should take a pregnancy test at once, because you could very well be pregnant.

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Q: When after a missed period should a pregnancy test be taken?
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When pregnancy test should be taken?

A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.

How accurate are pregnancy test after 2 weeks of a missed period?

If taken properly you should have accurate results by this time.

Can you use pregnancy test after you missed 4 months of your period?

If after 4 months of having no period you are either pregnant or have a medical condition that would need to be taken care of immediately. After the first month of a missed period you should have taken a pregnancy test, not waiting until a 4 month mark. Going to see a Ob/Gyn would be a great idea if you havent already made an appointment. Good Luck

Ok I'm on losertin 24 and i missed my period the month i was taken antioba for a uti infection i took two over the counter preg test but they said negative what should i do is this normal?

If you are on Loesterin 24 and you missed your period the month you were taking antibiotics for a UTI infection, you may just be late. If you have taken pregnancy tests and they are negative, you should see a doctor.

Do you have to miss your period in order to find out that your pregnant?

No, you don't have to miss your period in order to find out that you're pregnant. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after you've had sex, you don't have to wait for a missed period.

What does it mean if you had unprotected sex missed 2 tablets and got your period for a day?

Have you taken a test yet? You should.

When can you have pregnancy test?

A pregnancy test can typically be taken about one week after a missed period for the most accurate results. However, some tests can detect pregnancy hormone levels earlier, so it's best to read the instructions on the specific test you choose to use.

What does a urine pregnancy test detect and how accurate is it in determining pregnancy?

A urine pregnancy test detects the hormone hCG, which is produced during pregnancy. These tests are usually accurate when used correctly, with a high accuracy rate of around 97-99 when taken after a missed period.

Can you be pregnant you take pregnant test at home before your period 3 days but and the results was pregnant after 2 days you had your period?

A pregnancy test used before your period is late is not reliable. You should wait until two weeks after your missed cycle to get a reliable reading.If you had a positive result in a test taken at least two weeks after your missed cycle, this can be considered a positive pregnancy test. Spotting early in pregnancy is normal, bleeding heavier than spotting is not.If you are still questioning whether you are pregnant you should see a doctor or your clinic.

Can you trust in the result of pregnancy test if you do it before 10 days of your period and 6 days after your ovulation the result was negative and your cycle is 28 days?

Most home pregnancy tests say that they can only predict pregnancy accurately up to the first day of your missed period. Anything taken before that is pretty useless.

When are you supposed to take a pregnancy test?

If you mean what time of day, it doesn't matter. But it is said that you will have the highest level of the pregnancy hormone with your first pee of the day. If you mean what time of the month, then it is after you have missed your period. Some tests can be taken a few days before your period is supposed to start.

How any days after sex can you take an accurate pregnancy test?

A home pregnancy test ,when taken correctly, is considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation or unprotected sex.