If you smoke 1.5 grams of weed, you are usually not affected badly. If you are allergic to it, you could have an allergic reaction which could be dangerous.
It is a proven fact that you have to smoke double your body weight in under 15 minutes all and all its impossible to die from WEED
Only if you're tested within 15 days of having smoked.
Marijuana and weed are the same thing. And almost everybody knows that is is illegal to be in possession of marijuana without a medical permit, which can only be approved in 15 different states and D.C.
15 pounds smoked in 15 minutes will make you overdose and that is only from the smoke itself. Which it's virtually impossible to smoke a pound in so little time so I wouldn't worry about overdosing. Your body does not treat Marijuana as a poison, it does not pass through the liver, but is fat soluble. Just be concerned with how your brain might be affected by how much you smoke and how your lungs are doing, healthy methods: pipe, water pipe, vaporizer; as opposed to blunts and joints.
"There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man." --Mark 7:15
More info he found out that i smoke weed and he used to smoke weed so it is kinda hypocrytical in my opinion but i would like others opinions because this has had a major effect on my life as i have developed a ulcer from the guilt btw im 15 and he dosent even know how old i am.
THC the active element in "weed" is oil soluble, so cook weed in oil or butter for about 10 15 min. (don't burn!), strain and there you go, I don't think this is as efficient as smoking by the way. you can use the oil/butter in cooking or just spread it on toast. People have died from second hand smoke. If a non-tobacco smoker can die from second hand tobacco smoke because he got tobacco smoke in his system, it is quite possible that a non smoker can get marijuana smoke in his system from being around marijuana smokers.
No. When you smoke marijuana the THC sticks to your fat cells. There's no way to get rid of it except to wait. Depending on how often you smoke it should be gone within 15-30 days. 90 days if all you do is smoke all day every day.
Thurlow Weed was born on 1797-11-15.
It would take a large dose of pure THC, but for Marijuana, the articles I have read say that one would have to smoke about 1500lbs of weed in 15 minutes.
Yes you can. It takes some practice but you have to swallow the smoke like you would if you were trying to burp, wait about 15 seconds and then do what you would if you were going to pee. It may feel like you're going to pee but trust me, you won't. A little puff of smoke should come out at first but when you get better you will able to make it blow smoke like a dragon.
yes. actually he does smoke. he started at 15 but ended after a car accident caused by his friend. then, i guess he moved back up to the smoking. hope he stops!! we love him!!