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15 pounds smoked in 15 minutes will make you overdose and that is only from the smoke itself. Which it's virtually impossible to smoke a pound in so little time so I wouldn't worry about overdosing. Your body does not treat Marijuana as a poison, it does not pass through the liver, but is fat soluble. Just be concerned with how your brain might be affected by how much you smoke and how your lungs are doing, healthy methods: pipe, water pipe, vaporizer; as opposed to blunts and joints.

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Q: How much legal weed will make you overdose?
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How much weed would you have to smoke to overdose?

You cannot overdose on weed, you'd eventually just pass out. yes you can not overdose but you can smoke yourself sober i have done it before u cant od on weed so dont try it

What does legal weed do to you?

its pretty much the same as illegal weed.

Can you overdose on serenity now?

Yes, it has four to five times as much THC as weed and other chemicals that make it potentally deadly for some who smokes to much to often.

How much weed do you have to smoke before you od?

Unlike heroin or cocaine, you cannot overdose on marijuana.

What are the ingredients to make legal weed?

There is no such thing as legal weed. Medical weed is specially developed for medicinal purposes, the DNA structure of the weed is altered so it does not have the same effects as illegally bought weed.

How much weed can you smoke to over dose?

As marijuana is not essential for life then smoking any amount is an overdose.

Overdose of 1 hit of weed and 1 pill of Adderall?

1 pill of adderal will not result in an overdose, but you should have a perscription. No one has ever over dosed (died) from weed. If one hit is too much then try less or don't smoke.

Is vaporizers safe?

It's safer than smoking it. It reduces your chances of getting lung cancer from smoking weed. And you can't overdose on weed; it's pretty much impossible.

What does keeping tobacco legal allow?

Money if weed was as addicting as tobaco they would make it legal to.

Is vaporizing cannabis safe?

It's safer than smoking it. It reduces your chances of getting lung cancer from smoking weed. And you can't overdose on weed; it's pretty much impossible.

Can weed kill?

Weed can not kill you it just gets you high but if you overdose on it, it will affect you in different kind of ways

You want to be able to enjoy weed?