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Yes you can. It takes some practice but you have to swallow the smoke like you would if you were trying to burp, wait about 15 seconds and then do what you would if you were going to pee. It may feel like you're going to pee but trust me, you won't. A little puff of smoke should come out at first but when you get better you will able to make it blow smoke like a dragon.

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Q: Can you smoke weed and blow the hit out of your penis?
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How much weed do you need to smoke to go to juvie?

One hit will do it.

Intensifying weed high?

holdin in a hit as long as you can smoke more

How do you get the biggest hit from weed?

smoke a couple of nice fat bongs lol

How long should i wait to smoke weed after all 4 teeth are extracted What is safest to smoke out of?

Until the sores heal, if you do smoke while the sores are open you can get a bad infection, the safest thing to smoke out of is a vaporizer, if you want to reduce the risk of stench use a vaporizer and a smoke buddy once you exhale smoke buddies are little contraptions you blow into after you take a hit and it filters your smoke air to clean, odorless air

If you are hit in the penis can this stop puberty and its growth?

No, but a severe blow to the testes could effect the process of puberty.

How do you get high without getting caught?

I've been smoking weed for about 3 in a half years so i know what to do to get high without smoking it.... -make sure your in a room filled with the smoke (contact high) and you can just sit with a group of people who are hotboxing and just inhale the smoke -shotgun; if you don't know what that is, it's when a person who takes a hit of weed takes the biggest hit they can and you kiss them and they blow the smoke into your mouth as your inhaling -the worst thing to do which doesn't get you high as fast as you would like (but its another option if you don't want to shot gun or reek your clothes from hotboxing) is that you take a bag (usually a gallon storage bag) or a bottle (recommend a water bottle because you can crumple it and expand it easily) and have the person who is taking the hit blow their smoke into the bag or bottle and seal it as quick as possible so that the smoke doesn't escape and just put it to your mouth and inhale until you clear the smoke from it.

Can you smoke Valiums?

I crushed up some yum yums and hit them with hash and weed in my bong and it definatley has an effect, a rad one.

Overdose of 1 hit of weed and 1 pill of Adderall?

1 pill of adderal will not result in an overdose, but you should have a perscription. No one has ever over dosed (died) from weed. If one hit is too much then try less or don't smoke.

Should you smoke weed with your friends even though you play football and you usually smoke 3 or 4 times a week?

yea bro go ahead man smoke up. stay on top of your priorities don't let smoking weed become first in your life and you'll be a OK. hit the blunt for me stay hi one love .

In any way is smoking weed good?

Look on youtube for Homemade Water Bong, VERY easy to make VERY good to smoke out of.. doesnt use alot of weed and you get really high off one hit.

How does weed work?

the way that i see it is that weed goes into your lungs(if you know how to hit it).then it goes into your system(if you smoke a good amount).after that it goes into your brain and kills the bad cell and makes you relax(or if you don't blazz it makes you trip out).

If I smoke weed once a week how long will it stay in my system please use info and knowledge that you are 100 percent sure about?

it depends on how much you smoke. for every hit you take you need to give yourself 12 hrs to get it out of your system.