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Around the 3rd month

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Q: How soon do you notice weight gain with pregnancy?
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When does a woman start to gain weight and show in pregnancy?

As soon as the 1st trimester!

How soon do you show pregnancy symptoms after unprotected intercourse?

you will become fatter and gain more weight and begin to get morning sickness and wont have your period. take a pregnancy test

How much weight should you gain if you just got pregnant?

Depending on your size, you should weight 25 to 30 pounds more at the end of the pregnancy than at the beginning. This is important! If you do not gain enough weight, it means that they soon-to-be baby is not getting the nutrition that it needs.

How soon do you gain weight if you are pregnant?

Third Month

How soon could you notice abdominal changes in early pregnancy and what would you notice?

Pregnancy releases a hormone that softens your muscles for child birth the first sign you going to notice is a soft flabby stomach, or you'll look bloated.

If you are 5' 7 and your weight is 48 kg how can you gain weight?

You don't want to become fat. You want to gain weight by putting on muscle. If you can and know how, balance calories that you eat with what you burn. You should exercise. Try running, it is the best calorie burning exercise that works the most muscles. Eat whole, healthy foods too. You will soon notice that you are starting to become a healthy weight.

Can you lose weight with a sauna suit?

you can lose water.. which is heavy but as soon as ro rehydrate you gain the weight back.

How soon do you gain weight being pregnant?

Hi I am seven Weeks pregnant and have gained 6 pounds! But for my other pregnancy i didn't gain a pound until 12 weeks so it all depends on the person and the type of pregnancy because i am suffering from vanishing twin syndrome so my body is still making room for two instead of just one. Hope This Helps :)

Does drinking of cold water help gain weight?

Temporarily by the mass of water drunk. This soon lost again.

Can eating late make you gain weight?

No eating late doesn't matter what matters is duration between sleep and meal if you sleep as soon as you have dinner your body can't digest it properly so you will gain weight. If you want to loose weight quickly go check my profile may be it can help you out!

How soon after implantaion bleeding do you get pregnancy symptoms?

Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:

What will happen to your body if you do not take any exercise?

You will incresingly gain weight. Also become very ugly, also you will die... soon