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you'd die if you didn't eat for 30 days!

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Q: How much weight would you lose by not eating for 30 days?
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If you weight 215 pounds how much weight can you lose if you fast for 7 days?

If you weigh 215 pounds and fast for 7 days then you would lose several pounds. However, you would most likely regain weight once you started eating normally again. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to exercise, change your eating habits on a long-term basis, and lose weight slowly and steadily.

If you have an eating disorder can you lose weight?

That would depend on what your eating disorder is, if it is that you are prone to overeating, it is going to be difficult to lose weight, on the other hand, if you have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, you will lose weight.

Can your lose weight in two days im a 13 year old?

No. It maybe hard, but if you keep eating healthy and exercise you will eventually lose weight. There are no shortcuts.

If you dont eat for 3 days how many pounds will you lose?

If you are trying to lose weight, not eating for three days will not be much help. You may not lose any weight at all if you don't eat for three days. Your body will think that there is a food shortage and will start to store fat.

How much weight would you lose by not eating chcolate for a whole 2 weeks?

you could lose about 5 to 7 pounds just by not eating chocolate

Can you lose weight just by eating cheese sandwiches for a week?

* You may or may not lose weight. However, I don't recommend it. Even if you did lose weight you WILL put it back on again when you return to normal eating. You are also starving your body of key nutrients and vitamins which you need to be healthy, and survive. * If I ate cheese sandwiches for one week I would gain weight. Most people would. Eating cheese sandwiches is not the way to lose weight. You would be eating fat too many refined (processed) carbohydrates. Refined (processed) carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain and obesity.

How much weight do you lose in fourteen days with out eating?

First of all, I would not recommend you do this. It is very unhealthy because you are depriving your body of essential nutrients and you will have no energy. But, I would say that you would lose around 9 pounds. Give or take maybe 3.

Can you lose weight in 2 day from not eating?

yeah, prob 5 or 6 pounds, but it will mostly be water weight. as soon as you eat again your body will store as much as possible and you will most likely gain back nearly all the weight that was lost through not eating the previous days..

If you starved yourself for three days will you put on weight when you start eating again and will you ever be able to lose weight healthily?

AnswerStarving yourself is not a healthy way to lose weight. If you do it is most probable that you will gain weight when you start eating again. You are also at risk of blacking out if you don't eat. The best way to lose weight is to eat smaller meals more often and regular exercise.

Do you lose weight faster by exercising an sleeping but not eating?

Not eating can cause weight loss, but it is a very unhealthy way to lose weight. Eating healthy foods and smaller portions will have a safer outcome.

How much weight can i lose eating 1000 calories a day?

probably 1 every two days,if you exercise too.

How do you lose 40 pounds in 17 days quickly?

It is not advisable to lose 40 pounds in only 17 days. You can lose weight fairly quickly by exercising at least 30 minutes per day and eating healthy foods.