how much is Remington model 700 worth how much is a Remington model 760 worth
what is a Remington 760 300 savage worth it is a gamemaster
how much is my remington 760 gamemaster 300 savage worth
Depending on exact model and condition, your Remington Mdl 760 Gamemaster is worth about $400. More or less.
250 to 650 depending on sub model and condtion
between 350-500 bucks
250-450 dollars depending on overall condition.
No such model number in the Remington line
A Remington Model 760C in 95% condition would sell for around $375.00
The Remington Model 760 was not chambered in .284 Winchester, so I am unsure what caliber you are referring to.
To my knowledge the two clips are different in design,and cannot be interchanged.
I think its worth between 150.00 and $350.00 but it all depends on the condtion