how much is Remington model 700 worth
how much is a Remington model 760 worth
No it's a centerfire, .35 remington.
Do not see a 543 in any of my references. Sorry-Sportsman is associated with the Remington centerfire rifles in Model 76, 760, and model 78.
Nope, a 742 centerfire but no 642.
Inside the trigger guard, just in front of the trigger, is a small "button". Depress it, and the bolt can be slid out.
Yes, Remington makes the 700 in that caliber.
Your Remington model 1903-A3 was made in the year 1942.It was chambered in the caliber 30-06.
The Winchester model 70 is a centerfire rifle. It was never made in 22 short caliber.
The value of a Remington model 600 .222 caliber depends on the condition of the gun. One in excellent condition is worth approximately $500, as of 2014.
Remington did not make a carbine in .44 Magnum caliber. They did chamber the Model 788 rifle in that caliber. Do you have a Ruger carbine in .44 Remington Magnum, or perhaps a Marlin in that caliber?
It will vary with caliber.
remington 725 caliber 222 bolt action excellant condition
100-500 USD