$500 up
The current value of a remington model 600 in .243 winchester caliber is between 160 dollars for a rifle with 60%of its original finish remaining up to 475 dollars for a rifle with 100% original finish remaining.
Caliber is .243, buy ammo in .243.
It all depends what kind of condition it is in.
100-500 USD
gun shop, gun show
There is no model number 3006 or 243 in the Woodmaster line. Check Remington's webiste under the Sportsman's Library.
In good shape I would say at least $660.00 My new 660 .243 was $119.00 in 1970 J.C. Epic
100-400 USD
what is the value of a good condition .243 reminton model 7400 with a VX 1 2.5 x 7 leopold scope.
The value of a Remington model 770 in .243 caliber can vary depending on its condition, age, and any additional features it may have. On average, a used Remington model 770 in .243 caliber can range from $200 to $400. However, prices can fluctuate based on market demand and specific factors related to the individual firearm. It is recommended to consult with a firearms expert or appraiser to get an accurate valuation for a specific model.