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between 350-500 bucks

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Q: What is a Model 760 Carbine Remington 270Win. caliber worth?
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What is the value of a Remington 44 magnum carbine?

Remington did not make a carbine in .44 Magnum caliber. They did chamber the Model 788 rifle in that caliber. Do you have a Ruger carbine in .44 Remington Magnum, or perhaps a Marlin in that caliber?

Can a 1938 red ryder carbine b-b gun shot pellets or b-bs?

The Daisy model 94 carbine and model 111 Western carbine both shot BB's in the .175 caliber, not pellets in the .177 caliber.

What is the value of a mint 30 Remington that was made in 1911?

Mint 30 Remington what? Rifle? Model? Variation? (carbine?)

Remington model 700 25-06?

Yes, Remington makes the 700 in that caliber.

What year and caliber Remington model 03-A3 serial number 3844904?

Your Remington model 1903-A3 was made in the year 1942.It was chambered in the caliber 30-06.

Cost of Winchester model 73 carbine in 1890?

Condition, caliber, etc.

What model would be a 30 caliber Remington pump umc?

It's either a model 14 or it replacement 141, the cutoff would be 1935. The mOdel 141/141A was made in .30 Remington caliber from 1936 until 1950. The Model 141 Carbine was made from 1936 until 1942, also in .30 Remington caliber. The .30 Remington caliber was designed to compete with the .30-30 Winchester cartridge but without the rim that the .30-30 used. The reason for the spiraled magazine tube on the Model 14 and 141's is that the owner could shoot a more pointed projectile and not have the bullet tip rest against the primer of the cartridge in front of it possibly causing that primer to ignite that cartridge. A well designed rifle by John Pederson of the Remington design department.

How much is a Remington model 700 bdl 7mm-08 caliber centerfire worth?

how much is Remington model 700 worth how much is a Remington model 760 worth

How much is a Remington model 742 carbine woods master worth?

Look hereWhat_is_the_value_of_a_Remington_Model_742_in_good_condition

What is a Remington model 600 222 caliber worth?

The value of a Remington model 600 .222 caliber depends on the condition of the gun. One in excellent condition is worth approximately $500, as of 2014.

What is the rate of twist for a model 740 Remington rifle?

It will vary with caliber.

What is the value of a Remington model 725 rifle?

remington 725 caliber 222 bolt action excellant condition