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Talk to your personal physician about this.

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Q: How much fat calories and carbohydrates should a 150 pound man have daily?
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Calories will make you gain 1 pound daily?

1 pound of fat = 3500 calories

How many calories should a 160 pound boy eat daily?

1400 if your dieting 2000 if your not dieting.

Fat loss should be undertaken at a slow rate by reducing your total daily calories by how many calories per pound of lean body mass?

2 calories

How many calories daily should a 113 pound 11 year old girl eat?

about 1500 - more if you do exercise

What should you eat and do in a week to lose a pound?

You should eat healthy and well balanced diet and exercise daily. I exercise daily for 30 minutes and burn 350 calories per day. Also, I consume 400 calories less than the usual calorie intake. This way if you consume 3500 calories less per week, you will loose a pound.

What should my daily caloric intake be to lose 20 pounds?

There is no cut and dry answer to this question. It completely depends on your current daily caloric intake and your activity lever. However, a pound is 3500 calories. So, by cutting back 500 calories a day, you can expect to lose a pound a week.

Is it 3500 calories plus your normal daily amount of calories to gain a pound?

No. its not plus ur dail amount of calories.!

How many calories should a 6 foot tall 200 pound male consume daily?

It depends on what weight you want to be at, your activity level and your age.

How many calories needed to lose 1 pound daily?

3500. You cannot do this healthfully.

How many calories should a 105 pound woman have?

i seen on a show that you should eat 10 calories per pound so about 1050 a day

Which pound cake is less fattening- a fat free pound cake or a sugar free pound cake?

Since "fat" is based on eating too many calories, the cake with the lesser calorie value would be less fattening. Per unit, fat holds twice as many calories as carbohydrates (sugar) so the fat free should have less calories given the same size slice.

How many calories should you cut a week to lose a pound?

There are 3500 calories in one pound. Cutting 500 calories a day would make you lose one pound each week.