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Men should take in 2,700 calories per day. Women should take in 2,000 calories.

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Q: How many calories we should take per day?
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How many calories a day should you take in?


How many calories per day should a teenager take if on a healthy diet?

1,000,000 calories a day you a hole

How many calories should a teen girl take in each day?

a teenage girl should take in 1,400 calories a day and 1,200 if on a diet!

How many calories should a 16year old female take a day?

about 2000 calories a day. It depend on how much exercise you do a day

How many calories should a 5'7 14 year old take in per day?

you should be eating around 2000 to 2500 calories a day depending on how much exercize you get. =)

How many calories should a 9 year old boy have a day?

If it is a guy of 9 years of age average height and weight and does 30-60 minutes of exersize a day he should take about 1800 calories a day if a girl average height a weight 30-60 minutes of exersize a day then she should take about 1600 calories a day

How many calories should a 15 st man take in daily?

The number of calories you should eat each day depends on several factors, including your age, size, height, sex, and lifestyle. In general a man should take in 2,500 to 2,700 calories per day.

How many calories should an 80 year old man take per day?

The recommended daily calorie intake for an 80-year-old man depends on his level of physical activity, but generally ranges from 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day. It's best for him to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to determine his specific calorie needs based on his individual health status and activity level.

how many calories should you have per day?

2000 calories per day is great

How many calories should come from fat per day?

2000 calories per day

How many calories should you lose per day?

at least 300 calories per day

How do you know how many calories you should eat a day?

At least 1,000 to 2,000 calories per day that you should eat.