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I would say somewhere around 1,200 if you want to loose roughly 2 pounds a week :)

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Q: How many calories should you eat if you are 4'11 and weigh 140lbs?
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How many calories should you consume if you're18 and weigh 116?

About 1200 calories

How many daily calories for an 11 year old girl 140lbs?

A 11 years old girl who is growing should have 2000-2200 calories per day, However if you are eating less you wont be so tall.

If you weigh 190 pounds how many calories should you eat a day to lose weight fast?

1,500 calories a day

How many calories should I eat to weigh 180 pounds and my height is five foot eleven inches?

about 2000 calories

How many calories should you eat a day if you don't exercise?

depends on how much you weigh

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How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5'4 and weigh 128 pounds and are trying to lose weight?

About 1500 calories

How many calories should you take in to lose weight if you are 5'8 tall and weigh 143lbs?

Look up calories counters.www.caloriecount.about.comlook under tools

If you weigh 145 lbs how many calories should you eat a day to gain weight?

if you weigh 145 pounds your daily calorie intake should regularly be around 2175 calories, so if you are active and have a high metabolism you should consume at least 3000 a day.

I am 26 years of age and weigh 180 and height is 5'11 how many calories should i intake daily?


How much should a 13 year old weigh?

you could weigh any where from 90lbs - 140lbs because there are so many obese children in the world all the health weight charts have changed dramatically and that makes "average" much different than what it used to be 20 years ago

Can you eat 500 calories per day and lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks?

you would die if you ate that many calories. to lose weigh find out how many calories you should be eating for your current weight and then find out how many calories you should be eating for your target weight. slowly inch your calories down to that target weight range. and really you should ask your doctor about weight loss. to see if you even need it.