Five feet eleven inches was his height. He weighed around 180 pounds.
Lee was around five feet eleven inches, and weighed around two hundred pounds.
Height is to inches as weight is to pounds.
It depends on how many you are burning. Are you exercising or sitting on the couch?
Using the Siberian as a yardstick, a large male can be eleven feet long, weigh 650 pounds, and stand 40 inches at the shoulder.
It doesn't really depend completely on the weight and height, more so of age.
66.9 inches converts to 5 feet 5 inches tall. The normal, healthy weight for this height is 114 pounds up to 144 pounds.
a little
yes i am 4 foot 10 inches and 81 pounds
It depends on her height.
about 90 to 110 pounds, it depends on her height and bone structure.
It all depends on height. For a height of 4'9", it is normal.