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About 1,800 calories, assuming she partakes in moderate exercise and eats a healthy diet.

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Q: How many calories should an average 17-year-old girl eat a day?
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How much calories should a 13 year old girl eat daily?

It depends on the height and weight of the girl. But an average 13 year old girl should get between 1,500 to 2,500 calories a day.

How many calories should a 4'6 13 year old girl eat daily?

2200 calories a day is for an average 13yr old female

How many calories should a thirteen year old girl take in if she is 4 ft 8?

On average, a 13 year old girl should take in 1700-2100 calories a day to remain healthy. Seeing as you are shorter, then I'm guessing you should intake the lower amount of calories.

How many calories should a 12 year old girl whose exercise level is not the best should consume one day?

The average 12 year old girl needs about 1950 calories in one day. However, if your exercise level is not the best, you should take in about 1690 calories.

Calories needed by 17 girl?

It varies based on height, and activity, but the average teen that age should consume between 1,500 and 1,700 calories a day.

How Many calories should a girl that's 5'9 and weighs 135 pounds and excersises 2 or 3 times a week consume?

An average teenage girl should consume 2,400 calories per day, the amount of calories that should be consumed is greatly depended on age, height, and weight. To find the exact amount of calories, go to

How many calories should a 17 yr old eat a day?

It varies based on boy / girl, weight, height, and a few other factors. Assuming they are of average standards, then they should be consuming about 1,600 (girl) to1,800 (boy) calories a day.

How many calories does a 17 year old 6'1 girl require?

2,000 calories, on average.

How many calories should a 9 year old boy have a day?

If it is a guy of 9 years of age average height and weight and does 30-60 minutes of exersize a day he should take about 1800 calories a day if a girl average height a weight 30-60 minutes of exersize a day then she should take about 1600 calories a day

How many calories should an 11 year old girl have in one day?

A 11 year old girl should have 3,880 calories a day.

What is the average amount of calories a 13 year old girl should get each day?

The exact calorie intake is hard to determine, as it relies on many factors, like age, gender, weight, height, body type, body mass, activity level, and a few others. On average, though, about 1,200 to 1,400 calories a day.