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Q: How many calories equal 28 weight watcher points?
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What does a Weight Watcher point equal in calories?

points(calories,fat,fiber)=round( (calories/50) + (fat/12) - (min(fiber,4)/5) ) The Weight Watchers points means every 50 calories is a single weight watcher point, 12 fat grams is a single weight watchers point, and for each fiber gram you take away 1/5th of a weight watcher point, up to a maximum of 4 fiber grams. The final points value will be the total points rounded to the nearest whole number.

How many weight watcher points are Cadbury mini eggs?

One serving size according to the package is 12 pieces, which would equal 4 points.

How many weight watcher points in Canadian bacon?

2 slices of Canadian bacon is equal to 2 Weight Watcher points. There are several websites that have calculators and point listings to look up various food options for points value.

How many Weight Watcher points are in a tablespoon of brown sugar?

3 teaspoons would be equal to 1 tablespoon. If a teaspoon is equal to 17 calories, a tablespoon will run you around 51 calories. The 51 calories when converted to the Weight Watcher point system, the tablespoon of brown sugar will be equal to 1 point.

How many calories equal 34 weight watchers Daily Points Plus?

1900 calories !!!

How many weight watcher points in oreo cookie?

1 cookie is equal to 2 points. The points for one cookie does not change if it is a normal cookie or a Double Stuf.

How many calories equal 26 Weight Watchers points?

1450 according to something I saw on Google.

How many Weight Watchers points equal 1500 calories?

70 calories or 4 grams of saturated fat make is equivalent to a Weight Watchers point. Hope that helps.

How many weight watcher points for 1 serving of pork breakfast sausage?

One serving of pork breakfast sausage is equal to two points per oz. You can substitute the pork for sausage and save a point.

How much weight is equal to 4.000 calories?

You can't convert calories to weight. If you mean how many calories are contained in a substance then you'd need to know what that substance was.

How many calories equal 1 pound of weight?


What happens if the calories you eat are equal to the calories you need per day?

If you eat the same number of calories per day that are equal to the calories you need per day you would maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less calories then you burn. To gain weight you must consume more calories you burn. Most humans will burn 2800 calories even in the most sedentary state.