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To lose one ounce of weight, yoou need to burn 220 more calories than you consume. (For one pound, which is 16 ounces, that equates to 3,500 calories.)

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Q: How many calories does it take to lose an ounce?
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If you lose 17500 calories in a week how many pounds will you lose?

you will lose about 5 pounds. Because for every 3400 calories you burn it is a pound, so take 17500 and divide it by 3400

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How many calories would it take to burn thirty pounds?

You have to burn 3,500 calories more than what you consume to lose 1 pound. So to lose 35 pounds you will have to burn 122,500 extra calories.

I am 5ft 3in and 138 lbs how many calories a day should I eat to loose 20 lbs and how long will it take?

well you don't eat calories to lose weight, you lose them. you have to lose 3,500 calories to lose one pound so i'd say it will take like a year. but if you just eat healthy things with hardly any calories and exercise it will be easier.

How many calories do you loose from eating?

You may think this answer is crazy but up to a hundred that is the same with kissing. How ever long you take to eat that is how many calories you lose, so lets say you take up to 20 minutes to finish a huge burger you would lose 20 calories. Here is another example if it takes you ten minutes to finish a salad then you would lose ten calories.

How many calories should you take in to lose weight if you are 5'8 tall and weigh 143lbs?

Look up calories counters.www.caloriecount.about.comlook under tools

You weigh 138lbs and want to lose 128lbs how many calories do you need to eat each day?

To Lose That Ammount Of Weight You Will Need To Reduce 500 Calories A Day 1440- For Women Calorie In take 2050- For Men Calorie In take

How many calories should a 260 lb man eat to lose weight?

To lose your weight in a healthy manner your best to record your calorie intake for a three day period take the average of the calories over that period and subtract 500 calories from that total. This will take off your total weight 2 lbs a week which is the healthy amount to lose.

If i lost 55 calories how much did i lose in weight?

* yes about 5 pounds This is wrong. There are 3500 calories in a pound. You must "lose" 3500 calories through diet or exercise to lose 1 pound. It would take a reduction of 17,500 calories to lose 5 pounds.

How long should it take to walk a mile to lose weight?

It take 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. On average running a mile will minus you about 100 calories or so.

How many calories does the normal person have to burn in exercise to lose on pound of fat?

It take about 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. So that would mean that if you lower you caloric intake by 500 calories in a week you would lose about 1 pound.

How many calories should you take in to lose extreme weight?

For extereme weight, best to get personal medical advice.