My daughter is 11 and she burns 2100 calories a day, but Se is very active. Is that enough?
The average person burns about 2000-2500 calories a day. A simple calculation to measure your daily caloric burn is to multiply your body weight by 13.the average 13 year old girl who weighs 100 pounds burns about 1,310 calories without exercise, the average 18 year old weighing about 120 burns about 1,400 per day
It depends on how many calories they consume; if you are of a slighter build and eat less calories, you need to burn less.
This depends on your height and weight, as well as age. An average 125-pound sixteen year old girl burns an average of 1,800 calories a day. If you weigh more, you burn more calories, and vice versa.
about 200-300 calories.. .it depends on how hard you run
What is a "Girl Push-Up"? And if it's the ones from the knees probably not much because you have to actually WORK out to burn calories, it will burn some but if you don't feel the burn the burn ain't burnin like it should burn.
2,000 calories, on average.
There is no set number of calories any human being should have. There are recommendations for daily caloric intake but nothing concrete. A typical 16 year old girl will burn about 1500 to 2500 calories/day depending on her level of activity, metabolism, etc. If the girl at question is overweight, change the current diet and encourage exercise or sports.
depends on how tall you are/weight/your sex like everything else. I'm a 5 foot 4 girl & I figure I burn about 270ish calories an hour.
To maintain your weight... eat as many calories as you burn. Most humans, without even excercising, burn 1500-2000 calories a day just doing daily things and...surprise, surprise, living! If you are trying to lose weight, you have to eat a significant less amount of calories than you are planning to burn in a day. So, if you plan to go on a 3 mile run, and burn a total of 2300 calories in one day, to lose weight you have to eat less than 2300 calories. AND gaining weight is just the more calories than you burn.
Between 1,200 and 1,400 calories, on average.