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The average person burns about 2000-2500 calories a day. A simple calculation to measure your daily caloric burn is to multiply your body weight by 13.
the average 13 year old girl who weighs 100 pounds burns about 1,310 calories without exercise, the average 18 year old weighing about 120 burns about 1,400 per day

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Q: How many calories does an average teenager burn daily?
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How many calories does an average teen consume Burn daily Need for project?

an average teen in middle school will increase their eating portions for their growth spurt. with this in mind, an average teen may eat 2000-3000 calories a day. depending on their exercise time, they will probably burn about three fourths of their calories consumed.

How many calories you need to burn daily to lose 3kgs in a week?

3000 calories

How many calories do you burn in a swimming event?

A 150 pound woman on average will burn 400+ calories per hour on average.

Should you burn 1500 calories a day?

Not really. Only athletes should burn excessively high amounts of calories daily.

How many calories do you burn doing daily things?

It depends on which things you do, and for how long :)

When you burn calories from exercising can you subtract that from you daily calorie intake when your trying to lose weight?

Yes. Because the main purpose for you is to burn calories in order to lose weight.

What is the recommended daily intake for weight loss?

Consume less calories than you burn.

Bmr is the total daily caloric expenditure?

No. Total daily caloric expenditure takes into consideration your body fat percentage and your average daily activity level. Bmr is the number of calories you would burn over 24hrs while lying down.

If you eat 1328 calories per day and burn 464 calories are your total calories 864?

Yes,, but bear in mind that you dont just lose calories from doing exercise. Although minimal calories are lost normal daily routein will be burning calories. A women requires on average 2000 calories while a man requires 2500 calories per day.

How many calories does typing burn?

Typing burns about 100 calories per hour for an average person.

Is bmr the total caloric expenditure?

No. Total daily caloric expenditure takes into consideration your body fat percentage and your average daily activity level. Bmr is the number of calories you would burn over 24hrs while lying down.

How do you burn 100 calories?

Walk about 1/2 a mileThe above answer is actually false. For the average person to burn 100 calories, they must run a mile at an average pace of 7.5 minutes per mile.