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Doing squats burns calories at a rate of about 100 per 10 repetitions. This figure varies depending on how much you weigh.

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4y ago

Doing squats burn calories at a rate of about 100 per 10 repetitions. This figure varies depending on how much you weigh.

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How many calories do you burn from squats?

I have been training heavily for a while, and would think logically that doing sqauts, wide squats and lunges for 15 mins would burn around 100 calories. I am able to do about 45 squats per minute, so that would mean you would have to do around 700 squats in order to burn 100 calories. Hope this helps.

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How many squats will burn 100 calories?

depending how low and fast you go but 900 squats using 10 pound weights your loseings about 700 calories

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How many calories burned doing 50 squats with 20 pounds weight?

Hard to answer this since the given values are way too specific. These kind of questions are really hard to measure with the calculators that are available. You can of course try this by buying a calorie calculator and doing the 50 squats.

If you eat 1200 calories a day how many pounds will you lose per week?

It all depends on you body and how much exericse you are doing. If you consume that many calories (which, for the average person, is considered "dieting"), you need to exercsie to burn off calories to lose weight.

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If you do nothing but eat less and do crunches and run will you lose weight?

Losing weight can be hard. If a person eats less, and exercises by doing crunches and running, they will lose some weight. The amount is dependent on how many calories they put in their body, and how many calories they burn.