Well, burning one pound takes a deficit of 3,500 calories. So 3*3,500=10,500.
Or do you mean you weighed the sweat, it was 3 lbs of liquid and how many calories did that take? If that's what your asking, who cares? Why are you weighing your sweat?
You have to burn 3,500 calories more than what you consume to lose 1 pound. So to lose 35 pounds you will have to burn 122,500 extra calories.
You can burn 150 to 250 calories for 15 minutes. Calories burned also depends on how much you sweat and how overweight you are.
There is absolutely no way to measure that because they are not at all related. You can sweat by sitting in a hot room and not moving (hardly any calories burned), and you can burn tons of calories by shivering or swimming in a cold lake (hardly any sweat).
It depends entirely on how many calories you are putting into your body every week.
To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories to consume. Then, to lose 52 solid pounds of weight, you would need to burn 182,000 calories.
it depends on how much you sweat during the workout, 350 calories doesnt weigh much, but water weight does
It depends on how many calories you intake, compared to how many calories you burn. So it is impossible to say.
The number of calories you burn during any exercise can vary some depending on age and gender. However, an approximate number of calories burned by someone 132 pounds is 100.
To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. To lose 45 pounds, then, you would need to burn (3,500 x 45) 157,500 more calories than you consume.
you will lose about 5 pounds. Because for every 3400 calories you burn it is a pound, so take 17500 and divide it by 3400
Terry Fox ran across canada.