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Knowing your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the key to knowing how many calories you should, or shouldn't eat in a day. Simply put, your BMR is the minimum amount of calories your body requires on a daily basis to complete its basic functions (i.e. breathing, sleeping keeping your heart beating or regulating your internal temperature). Your BMR is dependent upon your age, height, and weight and gender. If you've noticed that every year, it becomes harder to eat whatever you want and stay slim, then, you may have discovered that your BMR decreases as you age. The good news is that a regular routine of cardiovascular exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, etc) can increase your BMR.

Once you know your BMR, then you can determine your Total Daily Caloric Expenditure by adding to that number, the number of calories used (i.e. energy burned) in your physical activity and the energy burned in digesting your food … yes digesting your food is work and uses caloric energy.

Once you have estimated your total daily caloric expenditure, you can more accurately calculate how many calories you can afford to eat (i.e. your daily calorie budget) and how much exercise you need to do every day to maintain, gain or lose weight to meet your healthy weight goals.

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Q: How many calories are you supposed to loss a day?
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How many calories are you supposed to consume if your twelve?

About 1,800 calories a day.

How many calories are you meant to have per day for a teenager?

Teenagers are supposed to have around 2000 calories and finishing the day under 900 your body registers it as starvation.

Am 5'5 and 260 PDS how many calories to lose weight?

If you want to loss some weight. than start exorcise and loss atleast 200 calories in a day.

How many calories should you eat per day to lose weight if you're 5'2 and 310lbs?

You should probably eat around 1500 calories. For women, we are supposed to consume 2000-2500 calories a day.

How many are you supposed to consume a day?

if it's calories, at least 2000. Be more precise with your questions though.

How many calories are you supposed to eat per day?

It depends on your age and activity level. The "average" amount would be about 2000 calories per day, but teens and athletes my need more.

How many calories a day do most people cut to see weight loss?

It takes a reduction of 3500 calories to lose a pound. So, many people cut 500 to 1000 calories a day to lose 1-2 pounds at week.

How many calories per serving are considered high?

Well it matters on how many calories you're supposed to take in a day so if you need 2,000 700 could pretty high calories.

How much fat are you supposed to get per meal?

the less, the better. Depends on how many meals you have and how many calories your body burns during the day. If you body works with the 2,000 calories a day then you should have 2,000 calories a day; not necessarily from fat. 1 gram of fat = 9 calories You might find this helpful:

How many calories is a 5 foot 11 year old supposed to have?

About 2,000 a day, assuming that you eat healthy and exercise regularly.

Fat loss without pills?

There are many weight loss programs out there, and many of them can help you lose weight. You need to look at some different programs and decide which one is the most suited to your lifestyle and current physical ability. Usually, the most effective weight loss programs utilize a mix of physical activity and diet. The key to weight loss is essentially eating fewer calories per day than your body uses in that day. For instance, if your body uses 2,500 calories every day to complete its daily functions, then if you: Eat more than 2,500 calories/day = you gain weight Eat about 2,500 calories/day = you maintain current weight Eat fewer than 2,500 calories/day = you lose weight

How many calories is a 15-year-old supposed to eat a day?

A fifteen year old teen should be eating at least 1400 calories but if she wants she is able to intake at minimum 1200 caliries a day. Its possible!!!!