There are 3080 calories in 1kg
you need 7000 calories to lose 1 kg
1 gram of fat = 9 calories so 1 kg of oil = 9000 calories
1kg white flour = 3510 calories
Converting calories to Kg is a bit tricky, as calories are a unit of energy, and kg are a unit of mass. 3500 calories are equal to one pound and one pound is equal to 2.2 kg. Which makes 7700 calories in a Kg.
1900 calories to lose weight
Expressing calories in terms of weight is not simple - there are far more calories in a kg of butter than in a kilo of celery. However, an excess of 7,700 calories will lead to one kg of weight gain. Or, conversely, you have to undereat by, or burn off by exercise that many calories to lose a kg
There are approximately 700.
For a adult dog it is about 3500Kcal/Kg
1 kg of fat is about 7700 calories, so 250 calories is just about 32.5 g = 0,0325 kg