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I read that for an Olympic event (1.5k swim, 42k bike, and 10k run) you will burn about 7,000 calories! You will take on about 4000, so have a calorie debt of about 2000!

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Q: How many calories are burned during triathlon?
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Calories Burned The word "cal" on a treadmill is just an abbreviation for calories. It often shows how many calories are burned during the time you excercise.

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Yes this does have a calories burned feature and many other scientific capabilities.

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Dancing for 20 minutes at a moderate pace burns about 100 calories.

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depending on how intense the game is, you can burn upto 200 calories-- you also burn calories during recovery .

How do you calculate how many calories you burned during your run?

Basically the best thing is to get an activity bracelet that tracks your burned calories. They are often very accurate and are the best ways to determine this. The charts you can find online give some direction on how much calories you have burned and are thus rather inaccurate.

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You take the amount you weigh in lbs and multiply it by .096, then with that number you get the amount of calories you burn per minute. Then you multiply that by the number of minutes you perform the exercise to get your total calorie burn rate.(wieght in lbs) x (.096)= ( calories burned per min) x ( total min worked out) = totalcalories burned overall

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you burn double what you would burn if you wernt in the water

If you burn 22.7 carbs how many calories have you burned?

92 calories.

5km run calories burned?

In the world of exercising and training, there is a simple formula to calculate how many calories are burned during a period of training, which is that to burn 100 calories, you need to run a mile. This means that since there 5km equals to 3.1mi, then you burn 300 calories approximately by running 5km.