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92 calories.

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Q: If you burn 22.7 carbs how many calories have you burned?
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How many carbs do you burn when you do 30 sit-ups?

Doing 30 sit-ups will only burn about 7 calories. The amount of carbs burned is not really something that can be determined as it usually goes by calories.

Burn 31 carbohydrates how many calories?

You don't burn carbs, you only burn calories and fat.

How many calories do you need to burn to burn 1 gm of carbs?

You would only have to burn about 4 calories, since 1 carbohydrate = 4 calories.

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How Can I record How Many Calories i Burn?

Find your total calories and each day record how many you burned or some treadmills tell you how many calories you've burned and so you can just record that down.

How many calories you have to burn to lose a lbs?

3500 calories must be burned to lose one pound.

How many calories are burned by playing basketball for 30 minutes?

depending on how intense the game is, you can burn upto 200 calories-- you also burn calories during recovery .

How many calories burn a 60 minute dance mat?

112 calories burned per 60 mins

How many calories you burn with frog squat?

Calories burned per pound per minute would be .096

How many calories does the firm video calorie explosion burn?

I burned 677 calories doing the entire workout.

How many calories are burned during aerobatics flying?

you burn double what you would burn if you wernt in the water

How many calories are burned dancing for 10 minutes?

You will burn 500 calories for ten minutes of speed dancing!