depending on how intense the game is, you can burn upto 200 calories--
you also burn calories during recovery .
Around 450 calories
You will burn 500 calories for ten minutes of speed dancing!
For a 98 minute workout of tae-bo the calories burned should be about 1390-1400.
a lot !=]
You can burn 150 to 250 calories for 15 minutes. Calories burned also depends on how much you sweat and how overweight you are.
nobody knows
You take the amount you weigh in lbs and multiply it by .096, then with that number you get the amount of calories you burn per minute. Then you multiply that by the number of minutes you perform the exercise to get your total calorie burn rate.(wieght in lbs) x (.096)= ( calories burned per min) x ( total min worked out) = totalcalories burned overall