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Q: How many calories burned in 4miles if walked fast 40 minutes?
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You would burn 200 calories by walking for 60 minutes about how many calories would you burn if you walked for 15 minutes?

You would burn about 200 calories by walking for 60 minutes. About how many calories would you burn if you walk for 15 minutes

How many calories are burned walking 4 km?

Maybe 200 calories or so. It depends on the size you are and speed you go

How many calories are burned in a one hour walk at 3.5 miles per hour and 4.5 miles per hour?

How can you compute your calories burned? Let's try an example. Say you weigh 150 pounds and you are walking for one hour at a rate of 3.5 miles per hour. Multiply 150 pounds by .035 = 5.25 calories burned per minute. Therefore, you would burn 315 calories during your one hour walk (5.25 times 60 miuntes). However, if you walk at a rate of 4.5 miles per hour, you will burn 7.2 calories per minute and 432 calories per hour. But you will have walked further (4.5 miles) than you walked with the 3.5 mph pace and, therefore, will burn more calories.

If walked 4346 steps equal how many calories burned?

This depends on how much you weigh and how fast you walk. 4246 steps = 2.17 miles I would recommend finding a "calories burned walking calculator" and plug in 2.17 miles, your weight, and how fast you walked.

How many calories are burned in a hour of walking briskly?

It depends on the speed of walking. If you walk at three miles per hour, you would burn about 20 calories. If you walked like this once a day, in one month, you would of burned 600 calories.For further information and examples, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How many calories would you burn if you walked 2.5 miles in 16 minutes?

Dont know but if you cam walk that fast you should enter the Olympics

How many calories would you burn if you walked 4.0 miles in 50 minutes?

If you weigh 185 lbs. and walk 4 miles per hour, you'll burn 400 calories an hour or 100 calories per mile. If you weigh 155 lbs., you'll burn 334 calories per hour or 83.5 calories per mile

How many calories burned walking for 30 minutes?

Calories burned walking for 30 minutesBrisk walking for weight loss (which is mild cardio exercise) is an excellent fat burner when done properly. The calories burned depend on your body mass and body composition. For example, in general a person with more muscle will burn more calories, as will a person who has a lot of weight to carry (muscle or fat) while walking. A light person will burn fewer calories than a heavy person will.One way to see how many calories you burn as you walk, is to purchase a pedometer in which you enter your weight and age, it will automatically calculate the calories burned during the cardio exercise.In summary, walking to lose weight is a very effective fat burning exercise when done correctly. The number of calories burned depends on your age, weight, degree of fitness, body composition, and where you are walking (flat ground or incline) as well as how far you walk and how fast you walk. For more in-depth information about how to do cardio walking for weight losseffectively, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How many calories would you lose if you walked 1 kilometre?

There is no precise number of calories that a person will lose. There are so many variables, such as the individuals weight, fitness level, speed that is walked, the muscle mass of the person and its distribution, the terrain the person in walking over etc, etc. An approximate formulae you may like to go by is a woman weighing 70kg over flat terrain for 60 minutes at 5-7.5km/hr will burn approximately 420 calories.

Melinda walked to the mall at 4miles per hour and then rode back home on the bus at 24miles per hour If her total traveling time was 14hours how far was it to the mall?

because she loved Justin bieber that's why she did it lol

You walked 50 minutes at 2.5 miles per hour how far did you walk?

You walked 2.083 miles in 50 minutes.

Charles walked for 45 minutes in the morning and for 1 hour 20 minutes in the evningwhat is the total amount of time Charles walked?

2 hours 5 minutes