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These rifles were made from 2003-2004 only.Winchester customer service might be able to answer your question as to how many.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago
the legacy is more desirable than a traditional model

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Q: How many Winchester model 9417 were manufactured?
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How many 1941 Winchester wcf model 94 were made?

Upadated answer: Winchester actually manufactured 53,738 Model 94s in the year 1941. Winchester produced 48,883 model 1894 rifles in 1941.

How many model 9417 did wichester make?

not many....the .17 HMR was only out a short time until Winchester stopper making 94's in all chamberings, not just 17 and 22

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Manufactured before 1968. No serial number was required. Many of Winchester mass produced .22 rifles did not have one.

How many 1894 rifles were manufactured?

The precise number of Winchester Model 1894 rifles that were manufactured is unknown, however, the number is around 7.5 million. This rifle was designed by John Browning.

How many Winchester model 55 take-downs did Winchester make?

Of the 20,580 Model 55 Rifles that were manufactured, appoximately 81% (or 16670) were Take Downs. The Solid Frame Model 55 is the rarest Winchester model configuration ever made. If you can provide me with the serial number and caliber, I can tell you whne it was made, and the overall statistical numbers.

Winchester model 1894 Canadian centenial 1867-1967 when manufactured and how many were made?

Made in 1967. 97,395 rifles and carbines made.

Year of manufacture of Winchester model 94 30-30 with serial 2118750?

This Winchester model number was manufactured in 1955. This is not as old as I thought it would be. There are many websites out there that say they can help determine the date of manufacture. Most of them didn't work.

How many Winchester model 94 32 Winchester specials were manufactured in 1964?

As far as I know Winchester did not brake down the production figures by caliber for any certain year.They may have it in their records,but I do not believe that this was released to the public.I would contact Winchester directly and they may provide the answer that you seek.

What is the value of a 44 WCF Winchester Model 53 and how many were manufactured?

I can find serial numbers from 1 ~ 15110 on the model 53. They started in 1924 and #15110 was made "after 1940". Don't know how many were made in .44 cal.

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how many Winchester Model 100's were made in the .284 caliber?

How many Winchester bicentennial model 94 were made?

Winchester made 19,999 bicentennial model 1894 carbines.

My model 94 Winchester is serial 2592966your list suggests this number was not manufactured was my serial number before or after 1963?

Check the serial number, it seems to have too many digits to be a Winchester serial number for a model 94.If the number is correct, the gun must be of recent manufacture, (making it post 64)