Upadated answer: Winchester actually manufactured 53,738 Model 94s in the year 1941.
Winchester produced 48,883 model 1894 rifles in 1941.
the value of your model 75 Winchester depends on many conditional values such as amount of blueing left wood condition etc. but your model 75 Winchester was made in 1941.
how many Winchester Model 100's were made in the .284 caliber?
Winchester made 19,999 bicentennial model 1894 carbines.
Your Winchester model 1890 pump action 22cal rifle was made between 1932-1941.Winchester skipped many serial numbers during the last years of production of this rifle.The numbers reached as high as 849,100,while actual production numbers were only up to 764,215 rifles made before they were discontinued in the year 1941.
The winchester model 1894 chief crazy horse comm.was made by winchester in the amount of 19,999 guns.
The Winchester model 62,and 62A were made from 1932-1959.The total production was 410,456 during this time span.
Only 12000 made between 1940 & 1941 then about 8000 recalled in 1950s. Not many working examples left
There was 19,999 guns made in this edition by winchester.
Hundreds of thousands.
The Winchester model 64 and 64A were made from 1933-1957.There were 66,783 made during this time span.They were serial numbered in the model 1894 serial numbers.This model was reintroduced during 1972 and discontinued again in 1973.From 1972-1973 Winchester made another 8,250 rifles.
The Winchester model 1894 big bore which is what model the .307Win caliber was available in was made from 1983-1998.
I can say that the total production of model 52 Winchester rifles were 125,419 from 1919-1979.There were 32 more made after 1979.It is believed that between 500-1,000 Winchester 52C models were made during the 60 years of production.