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It's generally not normal for your period to be late - typically your menstrual cycles will follow a pattern and it's normal for there to be around a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle. If your period is later than predicted how long it is delayed depends on why it is late, if you are sexually active you may want to take a pregnancy test to confirm whether you could be pregnant or not, otherwise it's not a concern until you've gone three months without menstruating.

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Q: How long is it normal for your period to be late?
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Is it normal to get your period late?

Yeah, totally

Is it normal to be 10 days late for your period?

yes its normal .. but if your period is late more than 20-30days then u should see a doctor..

You are two days late you have a bit of period pain but no period also sore breasts is this normal?

it probaly is normal

What if your three days late for your period?

What if you are three days late for your period? It's normal for there to be around 7 days variation from your average menstrual cycle. A few days 'late' isn't a big deal, as long as you're not sexually active no reason for you to worry about it.

What does it mean if you hadnt have your perido 2days late?

If you have your period 2 days late, it is nothing to worry about. It is completly normal to have your period come a bit early or a bit late. However, if you haven't had it in a really long time and you usually have a regular period, you should check with your doctor to see if you are pregnant, or have any other problems.

Is it bad if you don't have a normal period. I'm sixteen and my period will like have a normal month to month period and then sometimes it will be like a couple weeks late. Is that bad?

I was the same way. I dont know if it is normal or not but I am 19 now and my period is regular.

How many days late period is normal?

five to seven days is normal, but take a pregnancy test to be sure :)

How long does it take to ova late after your period goes off?

how long after your period goes off you ovalate

You got off the pill and had a normal first period and then your second one currently late Is that normal or are you pregnant?

If your period is late and you have been having sex without using anything to prevent pregnancy, you should take a pregnancy test.

Is it normal to get your period late when you stop taking the pill?

yes cus your a fricking slag

Why their is late in period?

don't b tension dud its will happen in every ladies..? its normal

Quit birth control now back on it and your period is 4 days late is that normal?

NO it is not