If you have your period 2 days late, it is nothing to worry about. It is completly normal to have your period come a bit early or a bit late. However, if you haven't had it in a really long time and you usually have a regular period, you should check with your doctor to see if you are pregnant, or have any other problems.
If you mean for Version 5 and If you mean evolve-change. Here is the growth chart: baby-1hr toddler/child- 48hrs (2days) teen- 48hrs (2days) adult-48s (2days) *after adult is 48hrs /2days old, it is able to mate/marry/become a parent **some characters change into a different character when they become a parent
You are possibly pregnant
We are not sure what you mean. If you mean the onset of acute withdrawal, it ranges anywhere from 8 to 24 hours.
If by synthetic marijuana you mean Spice, then you Dont need to detox. There is no THC in Spice and plus it filters out of your system in about 2days.
late late
you late to a party
I wouldn't say swim, i would say crawl up if the toilet in question hadnt been used in ages, i mean ages...
'it means she wishes u hadnt left or that she wants to see u again soon!:D' it can mean that but some girls write x or hearts to alot of people or friends
it means to be late or running late
'Late' is a word in English not Irish.
Out late at night