yes its normal .. but if your period is late more than 20-30days then u should see a doctor..
no stewpeds! your pregnant! u better go look for the dad right now!
Me to exalcley...
no, it is not. usually you'll have it for about 4-10 days.
maybe your pregnant, maybe your period cycle is changing
Presuming that you haven't had sex, and you're far to young to be doing that - Its quite normal particularly in younger girls to miss a month or be late. You can also miss or be late (or early) due to stress, travelling, illness and sometimes medication.
normal cycles can last 10 days. sorry Joymaker RN
If your 10 days late for your period you counld certainly take the pregnancy test now. most test will give a accurate reading even a couple of days after your missed period. if in fact the test came back positive, only ten day after the missed period you wouldn't be showing yet.
the first day of my last pried was 8/10/08 and i did't get the next one yet is that normal?
You were proberbly just late ,maybe due to stress
If you didn't do it and the 10 day period has passed, and 10 days is the stated appeal period, then it is probably too late. You would have to file a motion with the court to re-open the entire case.
It's normal to MISS your period if you are 12 because your cycle is not yet stable. (If you had sex, that's different. Talk to your mom if that's the case.)
You could be. I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test.