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Depends on your metabolism and how you ingested it, but MDMA usually kicks in about 20 mins to an hour after you eat it, about 15 minutes after you plug it (put it in your rectum) and about 15 minutes if you snort it.

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Q: How long does it take until ecstasy kicks in on weed?
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How long does it take for ectasy to take effects?

I think it takes up to 8 hours until it kicks in

How do you cook ecstasy?

Well, you take an ecstasy pill and then you put it in boiling water and cook it on the stove until cooked to your perfection. :)

How long does it take for you to feel the effects of ecstasy once ingested by mouth?

20-30 minutes

If you take 2 Ecstasy pills how long is the effect?

Two pills can vary upon how long you are high. I depends on the stack or the strength of the pills u take.

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the harm would be not to get laid while you're "expierimenting" with these substances.

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ecstasy is not physically addicting so there is no withdrawal affect however ecstasy is mentally addicting and it is mind over matter to break the habit

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Whoever you are, you should not be taking ecstasy, no matter when.

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There is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy safely, with or without a history of ulcers.

In football manager 2008 how do you select who takes free kicks?

First you look at the ''Free Kicks'' attribute.The higher this attribute is,the better the player is in taking free kicks.Next, if you want a player to take long range free kicks,you should choose a player who has a high attribute of long shots.

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How do you prevent ecstasy?

You dont take it !

How many years can you take ecstasy?

You cannot take ecstasy at all. It is illegal in most of the world and causes major health concerns.