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There is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy safely, with or without a history of ulcers.

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Q: Is it safe to take ecstasy with a history of ulcers?
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Can you take ecstasy while taking provigil?

Just to be safe I stopped taking provigil two days before using ecstasy. I didn't have any issues.

What do you need to do to be safe when you take Ecstasy?

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy (3,4 methylenedioxy-amphetamine) safely. It can raise your blood pressure, putting you at higher cardiovascular event risk, and cause paranoia, hallucinations and agitation, among other things.

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Is it ok to take Ecstasy to make you horny and Viagra to make you hard? Probably not....

Can you take ecstasy while on your period?

Whoever you are, you should not be taking ecstasy, no matter when.

Is it safe to take azo while on ecstasy?

yes azo is for uti (urinary track infections) ive used it to remove marijuana from my system for drug tests...

How do you prevent ecstasy?

You dont take it !

How many years can you take ecstasy?

You cannot take ecstasy at all. It is illegal in most of the world and causes major health concerns.

What do you do if you accidentally take an ecstasy pill?

You get into trouble

Is it okay if you used to crack your back all the time to take a quarter hit of ecstasy?

Of course not !! It's NEVER OK to take ANY ecstasy.

Can cats get ulcers?

Yes, they can get ulcers. Both ulcers and broken jaws are very painful and require the attention of a vet. Please take Boots to the vet pronto.