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A word from a professional :

No piercing is considered fully healed until it's a year old. Contrary to what you may read, it takes the body a full year to season a piercing to the point where it can be removed for extended periods of time without the risk of the piercing closing. Light heals can occur at the 3 month period but keep in mind the piercing can still close making reinserting the jewellery difficult and hard on the new piercing. Anything less than 3 months is just ridiculous and shear nonsense. Should you have issues reinserting your jewellery, go see your local professional body piercer for assistance. Don't force jewellery into a semi closed piercing, only an insertion taper will allow you to reinsert the jewellery without damaging the piercing. Jzuk

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Q: How long do all piercings take to heal?
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Do cartilage piercings close?

Yes, they do- however, it depends alot on the gauge of the needle and how capable your body is able to heal (which factors on age, diet, and health). The fresher the piercing, the less time it takes to heal shut- but it is more prone to infection. Smaller piercings do have a tendency to heal quicker, but it mostly depends on the area of skin that is pierced. Fleshy skin located close to blood vessles heal very quickly when hard cartilage and sparser areas of blood vessles take much longer. Note: ALL piercings should be done with a hollow needle.

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Not long at all, piercings don't heal in a month especially the navel piercing, it takes from 3 to 6 months for a good light heal, but is far from healed and seasoned to handle having the jewellery out for long.

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If you stop wearing earrings will the pierced holes scars disappear?

This depends on how long the piercings had jewellery in them, the longer the jewellery has been left in the piercings the longer the piercings will take to shrink and eventually close, months to years it all depends on time.

How long does it take to heal after circumcising?

All people are different. It can take 1-2 weeks, or even a month.

How long does it take for an ear piercing to close up?

It depends on how fast your body heals, and how long you have had the piercing. The longer you have had the piercing, the longer it will take to close. This is true for all piercings.

How long does your ear swell after piercing it?

of course it is, swelling is normal after all piercings.

Your ear piercings try to close up after changing the earrings and something that looks a bit like pus comes out of the piercings?

Well it sounds like the piercings are not fully healed and the discharge you are getting (whitish/yellow) is lymphatic matter that the body generates as it tries to heal the piercings( this discharge is normal in all new piercings under a year old ). I would suggest you put in good quality jewellery in your piercings and leave them alone except for cleaning in the shower other than that let them heal up.

You haver osteoporosis and have chipped your collarbone how long will it take to heal you are 91 years old?

if you are a healthy person otherwise, it will take a few months, however, at such an advanced age it may not heal properly at all.

Is it normal for ears to crust after piercing?

Yes. All of my ear piercings crusted. Make sure you clean them well and after then heal they will stop getting crusty.