yes it does
The amount of sleep a person needs varies from individual to individual. Generally, it is good to get eight hours of sleep, though.
The amount of sleep each person needs is around 8 hours, some people can make do with a lot less sleep, However, the body needs time to recover and repair itself.
There is no magic numbers, sleep differs for each person. But as a good rule of thumb: an average adult needs between 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep per night. But many people can function with 6 hours' sleep, and there also some who need 9 hours or more. The amount of sleep needed to function the next day varies from individual to individual, and is determined genetically and hereditarily.
There is no set answer it varies from person to person and from situation to situation. Some variables include: time awake, amount of physical activity, stress of day, tranquility of dream and comfortability of sleeping position. A person can sleep forever (coma) or for only an hour, but on average, without being interrupted a person will sleep for 8-12 hours.
It varies from person to person and with lifestyle. Humans should get a little over 8 hours of sleep, but many don't.average normal is: about 8 to 9hrs..
This varies person to person. Some people sleep on their side, face, and/or back. It's all based on the contour of your body and where you find most comfort.
A young person needs quality food and adequate sleep to grow.
The best time amount of time for someone to sleep is 10 hours. Your body needs the sleep, and without it, it won't funcution as it's supposed to.
Personaly, I began taking melotonin pills and sleep time tea. But it varies I guess on the person. That's just my opinion.
if people don't sleep they will sleep over the next day SO make sure u go to sleep or u will....If you do not sleep for approximately three days, your body will shut down and you will die. Now, this number varies from person to person, and maybe by some medications, but you will eventually die.