The amount of sleep a person needs varies from individual to individual. Generally, it is good to get eight hours of sleep, though.
The more you sleep the more sleep you want is not necessarily true. As long you get eight hours of sleep every day your body will work just fine. Sleeping more or less than eight hours for prolonged period of times is not good for the body.
You should sleep seven to eight hours to be ready for a good days work and not be tired.
about 8 to 10 hours of sleep
10-11 hours every night are the optimum hours of sleep an eight-year-old should get.
8-12 Hours 8hr 10PM-6AM 12hr 8PM-8AM
organized labor
Eight hours and thirty minutes.
Sleep TimeRecommended sleep time is eight hours a night, but some sleep more and some less.
The recommended amount of sleep for the average adult is eight hours.
You sleep for 12 hours exactly.
At night, orangutans sleep just like us - or at least like we should - capturing a full eight hours of sleep.
All humans typically need eight hours of sleep, no matter the age? Your age doesn't mean anything to your sleep. Age and your hours of sleep are useless to each other.