

Best Answer
  • Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse
  • Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation
  • For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period.
  • Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest
  • Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results
  • Take the test no more than 1 day before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low.
  • urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip
  • Check the results in the window frame of time suggested by the instructions of the pregnancy test.

4 days before expected period= 51% accurate

3 days before expected period= 82% accurate

2 days before expected period= 90% accurate

1 day before expected period =95% accurate

the day of expected period =99% accurate

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Q: How long after intercourse are pregnancy tests accurate?
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How long after your period will a pregnancy test be accurate?

Most pregnancy tests are accurate day one of your missed period, if your test is negative retake it in 3 to 7 days.

How long after intercourse can you get an accurate result on a home pregnancy test?

You'll have a pretty good indication in about nine months.

Is a negative blood pregnancy test 49 days after intercourse accurate?

There are two kinds of blood tests for pregnancy tests -- quantitative and qualitative. Assuming you've waited long enough (much less than 49 days), and the test is done properly by the lab, the quantitative test is very accurate. The qualitative blood test is about the same accuracy as urine tests. Even the home urine tests are 97% accurate. So if you took the quantitative blood test you can be very sure it's right. Even with the other tests 97% is pretty accurate. I suspect the error rate in blood labs is greater than that.

After how long is pregnancy detected?

Approximately 14 days after intercourse, pregnancy can be detected.

How long does it take to know if you are pregnant or not?

Modern home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate and can detect the chemical markers for pregnancy about 6-12 days after conception. There are (more expensive, laboratory only) tests that are able to detect pregnancy as little as 48 hours after conception. If you're asking how long it takes to take the test ... not long at all, maybe 15 minutes.

How long should you wait till take a pregnancy test after 2weeks in you tested it was negative?

Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14 to 16 days after ovulation. A blood test from a Dr is considered accurate 10-14 days after ovulation.

Is it possible to get pregnant even after long months of intercourse?

There is a possibility of pregnancy anytime intercourse takes place.

How long does it take to be pregnant before you can find out?

Within a day or so of the first missed day of your period. OTC eary pregnancy tests are affordable and very accurate.

How long does a pregnancy test take to show the results?

The pregnancy tests that can be bought for home use will show a result within five minutes. The test done by medical professionals is more accurate and that will give a result in a day.

Should you have intercourse in your first trimester or pregnancy?

You can have intercourse until the baby pops his/her little head out as long as it's comfortable for you.

How long does it take for a pregnancy test to be pos after fertilization?

Fourteen days after intercourse.

How many weeks does it take to know that your pregnant?

This will generally depend on the test that is used to detect a pregnancy. Blood tests are more accurate in that they can detect a pregnancy earlier. As soon as two weeks after a missed period, blood tests can detect levels of Hcg (the hormone pregnant females produce). Urine pregnancy tests generally do not detect a pregnancy before the 6th week because sometimes it takes that long for Hcg levels to rise to the point where a urine test will be sensitive enough to detect it.