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Approximately 14 days after intercourse, pregnancy can be detected.

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Q: After how long is pregnancy detected?
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How long is the pregnancy hormone detected on a test?

it is detected 3minutes after you urinate on the test stick..... if it takes any longer than 4minutes then the test is not reliable as it could be faulty... the pregnancy hormone detected on a test will then last/stay on the test for how ever long you keep the test!

How maney days does it take for pregnancy to be detected on a home kit?

it takes five minutes fot pregnancy to be detected at home

How long after tubular pregnancy can pregnancy hormone be detected?

It depends how far along you were. Could take a few days to leave your system, could take a month.

How soon after intercourse can pregnancy be detected?

10 days for blood test and 14 days for Home pregnancy test. Well it could vary but this is the most likely when pregnancy can be detected. After you missed your period the home pregnancy SHOULD work if you were pregnant. Good luck.

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No, it's a hormone not a drug

How soon after conception can pregnancy be detected?

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What is the embryonic hormone detected with pregnancy tests called?

The pregnancy hormone detected by pregnancy tests is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced by the developing placenta shortly after implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

Will a pregnancy test detect pregnancy if i am on my period?

I think pregnancy can be detected as early as 21 days after conception through a test such as ClearBlue, that's whether you are on a period or not.

How long does it take for a pregnancy test to be pos after fertilization?

It typically takes about 6-12 days after fertilization for a pregnancy test to be positive. This allows time for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus and for the body to start producing the hormone hCG, which is detected by pregnancy tests.

Can pregnancy be detected within twenty four hours?

It can. just go to a doctor and ask for a Pregnancy test, and you'll have immediate results.