The pregnancy tests that can be bought for home use will show a result within five minutes. The test done by medical professionals is more accurate and that will give a result in a day.
2 weeks after sex the earliest.
by urine you have to wait 10 daysby lab, you should know immediatelygood luck joymaker rn
4-6 months
The DOE has made it clear starting from 2012, that all SHSAT results will be handed to the student on February 28, 2012. Your schools will be the first to receive the results.
On average, the ICAS test results will come out online on the UNSW website in 4-5 weeks, but during the December Christmas season, the results may take longer, ranging between 6-8 weeks.
Most pregnancy tests can detect the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in urine after about 7-10 days from conception. It is recommended to wait until the first day of a missed period to take a pregnancy test for more accurate results.
You can usually get results the next day
everybody is different you have to get the stick to pee on
Results from a blood pregnancy test typically take 1-2 days to come back, depending on the lab's processing time. This type of test is very accurate and can detect pregnancy earlier than a urine test.
2 weeks after sex at the earliest
You should wait for at least two weeks for then only can you do a pregnancy test that will show a result.
NO the only thing that will make a pregnancy test show positive results is if the HCG hormone is detected so if you got a positive result your pregnant your pregnant ovulating has nothing to do with it Good Luck and God Bless!!!
Yes, it's far too early. Often, the egg has not even been fertilized yet.
If you are worried, just take the pregnancy test. The peace of mind is well worth a few bucks. It will tell you on the package how far along in your pregnancy you must be (if you're pregnant) to get accurate results.
Most pregnancy tests (including e.p.t®) can be used as early as 4 days before an expected period.