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2 weeks after sex at the earliest

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Q: How long does it take a home pregnancy test to show up positive?
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Related questions

How long will a pregnancy test show positive after an pregnancy?

About a week after the egg has been fertilized

How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?

A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

Would a tubal pregnancy show positive on a home test?

Yes, a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy can sometimes show positive on a home pregnancy test due to the elevated levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). However, it is important to seek medical attention promptly if you suspect a tubal pregnancy, as it can be a serious medical condition that requires immediate treatment.

If you are 2 weeks 4 days pregnant will a pregnancy test show up positive or negative?

A home pregnancy test will show up most probably negative in this case.

Can a home pregnancy test show up positive after a miscarriage?

Yes. It can take several weeks for the hCG to clear from the body. It depends what stage of pregnancy you were at.

Will a pregnancy test show positive if I miscarried?

A pregnancy test can show a positive result if you have miscarried. There is still enough hormone in your body to produce a positive result.

Can a home pregnancy test show positive if you miscarried at a few weeks?

No your hcg levels should have gone back down

Why would a home pregnancy test show up negative and a day later show up positive?

On the box it will tell you at how many days it will detect pregnancy. You were probably right at the line on the first day, and the second your body had produced enough of the hormones to show up positive on a titer test.

How far along do you have to be for a home and blood pregnancy test to be positive?

store bought pregnancy tests say they show results about 4-5 days before a missed period.

Can 2 weeks pregnancy show positive?


What does the pregnancy test show if it is positive?

A plus sign .

Does HCG hormone show up on home pregnancy test after a tubal ligation in 2000 HELP?

Yes you can have a positive test after a tubal. I also had a tubal in 2000. Took a home pregnancy test, 3 of them. All came back positive. This was just 5 weeks ago.