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A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

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Q: How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?
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How long must you wait before doing a pregnancy test?

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How long do you have pregnancy hormones after miscarriage?

In general for a couple of months.

How long can pregnancy test show positive after a miscarriage?

it depends how high were your hcg levels, i was about 5 weeks when i miscarried nd my hcg were at 880 now after 1 week my hcg gone down to 100 so it all get a positive your hcg levels should be higher then 4

How long after a complete miscarriage can you get a true hcg reading?

not sure wut u mean by tru, but if u mean a positive result indicating a second pregnancy than about a month after the miscarriage. one the hcg has dropped from the miscarriage u can ovulate (which may take 3 or 4 weeks, depending how far along u were) and 2 weeks after taht u can test for a new pregnancy.

How long after miscarriage does the cervix stay open?

It depends on how far along you were on your pregnancy

How is chemical pregnancy different from a miscarriage?

Let me answer your question...... Go on Wikipedia and type in: chemical pregnancy (difference) miscarriage. Sorry I couldn't type it down. IT'S TO LONG!!! Good Luck! Let me answer your question...... Go on Wikipedia and type in: chemical pregnancy (difference) miscarriage. Sorry I couldn't type it down. IT'S TO LONG!!! Good Luck! Let me answer your question...... Go on Wikipedia and type in: chemical pregnancy (difference) miscarriage. Sorry I couldn't type it down. IT'S TO LONG!!! Good Luck!

Will a pregnancy test show negative if you miscarried?

Pregnancy tests simply "look" for the presence of a hormone that is present when a pregnancy has occurred. After a miscarriage, a pregnancy test may remain positive for a while until all of that hormone has disappeared below the level the test needs to be positive. A blood (serum) pregnancy test (that you can obtain at a physician's office) can tell about how far along a pregnancy is, and this can be compared to how far along the person should be; the test results will drop in number over time if a miscarriage occurs until it reaches 0. How long it takes the hormone to leave the system is highly variable from several days to several weeks. Hope this helps! Dr. B.

How soon can you take clomid after a miscarriage?

Well, it depends how early or late your miscarriage happened! You should of course consult with your doctor how long should you wait to TTC again. A rule of thumb, if I can call it that way, is that you should wait at least as long as your pregnancy lasted. For example, if you had a miscariage in week 8 of your pregnancy you should wait 8 weeks, so around two periods and then you are free to TTC again and of course with the help of clomid, if prescribed by a doctor. Well, it depends how early or late your miscarriage happened! You should of course consult with your doctor how long should you wait to TTC again. A rule of thumb, if I can call it that way, is that you should wait at least as long as your pregnancy lasted. For example, if you had a miscariage in week 8 of your pregnancy you should wait 8 weeks, so around two periods and then you are free to TTC again and of course with the help of clomid, if prescribed by a doctor.

How long will a pregnancy test show positive after an pregnancy?

About a week after the egg has been fertilized

How long is the pregnancy hormone in your system after having a miscarriage?

the hormone can stay in your system for up to 8 weeks. this can make a PT show up positive. Speaking from my own experiences. I had two miscarriages. Your hormones should return to normal within a week or 2. My hormones returned to normal within a week. Occasionally the baby dies a while before the miscarriage and the hormones will have almost disappeared by the time you actually miscarry. It all depends on the reason for the miscarriage and most of the time no-one knows the reason.

Can pregnancy three months after a miscarriage have a healthy baby?

Yes you can. 3 months means you healed a long time ago.

Can you have symptoms of miscarriage but the home pregnancy said positive?

Having a previous miscarriage wouldn't change the outcome of a pregnancy test. ~pawsalmighty It may actually read a positive result if you miscarried early enough before. The length depends on how long you were pregnant. This is because your hormone levels are dropping but still exist; therefor a + reading will show up.